Nottingham's annual Goose Fair, the largest in the country, is held on open space next to The Forest tram stop. Part of the fair occupies the car park—the tram stop is open as usual but the Park & Ride operation ceases whiles the fair is held. NET lays on extra trams to deal with fairgoers.
These pictures are from the 2004 fair, open from 6th–9th October. Click here for pictures from the 2005 Goose Fair.
Part of the Goose Fair occupies the Park & Ride car park at The Forest. Tram 208 'Dinah Minton' is arriving on a Station Street service
05/10/2004 • 000832
Part of the Goose Fair occupies the Park & Ride car park at The Forest. Tram 208 'Dinah Minton' is leaving for Station Street
05/10/2004 • 000833
General view of what is normally The Forest Park & Ride car park, occupied for a week by the Goose Fair
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Another view of the Goose Fair occupying The Forest's car park
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The day before the Goose Fair opened, with the site surrounded by barriers. The tram line runs along the west side of the fair site, and here a tram is seen departing for Station Street
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Tram 211 'Robin Hood' climbing past the Goose Fair on the way to the city
05/10/2004 • 000837
This is the city-bound platform at The Forest, showing the proximity of the Goose Fair—easy interchange from tram to Waltzer; passengers waiting for a tram could enjoy a toffee apple or some candy floss
05/10/2004 • 000838
tram 213 'Mary Potter' pulling into The Forest on a Station Street journey. In the background the annual Goose Fair is setting up
05/10/2004 • 000839
Full load on the way to the Goose Fair—207 at Radford Road
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North end of The Forest tram stop, with the Goose Fair on the left. 207, that night's spare tram, sits in the centre platform
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The Forest tram stop is right next to the Goose Fair
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213 at The Forest conveying fairgoers to their homes in the north of Nottingham, while in the background the Goose Fair continues
08/10/2004 • 000843
206 heading north, with the Goose Fair in the background
08/10/2004 • 000844
Overall view of the platforms at The Forest, during the Goose Fair. On the right NET staff and managers are on hand for crowd control
08/10/2004 • 000845
Three platforms, three trams. An unusual sight at the Forest during the Goose Fair. The centre tram is 211, the evening's spare
08/10/2004 • 000846
Tram 211 in the centre platform road at The Forest, standing by for possible use transporting fair-goers home from the Goose Fair
08/10/2004 • 000847
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