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Street running section in Hyson Green—a city-bound tram waits at Radford Road stop. The track here is one way (the country-bound track is on another street) but other road traffic is two-way on this street
09/03/2004 • 000048
City-bound tram at Hyson Green Market stop, the start of a short section of reserved track.
09/03/2004 • 000049
The Forest tram stop is one of six Park and Ride sites on the network. This one has a car park with nearly 1,000 spaces. There are three platforms here—when necessary the centre one can be used as a turnback for city services
09/03/2004 • 000050
City-bound tram crossing Forest Road, approaching the High School stop
09/03/2004 • 000051
Full load on the way to the Goose Fair—207 at Radford Road
08/10/2004 • 000840
213 at The Forest conveying fairgoers to their homes in the north of Nottingham, while in the background the Goose Fair continues
08/10/2004 • 000843
206 heading north, with the Goose Fair in the background
08/10/2004 • 000844
Tram 211 in the centre platform road at The Forest, standing by for possible use transporting fair-goers home from the Goose Fair
08/10/2004 • 000847
Goose Fair 2005. The fair takes place on The Forest recreation ground, and also takes over NET's Park & Ride car park. This is the city-bound platform of The Forest, with one of the entrances to the fair on the left
08/10/2005 • 002275
Goose Fair 2005. 201 with a Phoenix Park service. In the centre platform 211 acts as a safety barrier—having a tram parked here forces passengers to cross the tracks at the end of each platform
08/10/2005 • 002276
Goose Fair 2005. There were an abundance of NET staff at The Forest to ensure everything went smoothly; in the layby at the side of the northbound stop were three of NET's vans
08/10/2005 • 002277
Goose Fair 2005. Powergen-liveried 213 calls with a Station Street service, with 211 in the centre platforms and the lights of the fair behind
08/10/2005 • 002278
Goose Fair 2005. North end of The Forest stop, with the fair in the background
08/10/2005 • 002279
Goose Fair 2005. Southern end of The Forest stop
08/10/2005 • 002280
Goose Fair 2005. Southern end of The Forest stop, with fairground rides in the background
08/10/2005 • 002281
Goose Fair 2005. There seemed to be fewer fairgoers than last year
08/10/2005 • 002282
Goose Fair 2005. Looking uphill from The Forest, towards Mount Hooton Road and the city
08/10/2005 • 002283
Goose Fair 2005. 212 approaches The Forest from central Nottingham with a Phoenix Park service
08/10/2005 • 002284
Goose Fair 2005. Overall view of The Forest, with the fair on the right-hand side. 211 is acting as a safety barrier in the central platform
08/10/2005 • 002285
Goose Fair 2005. 209, the Westbury Homes tram, picks up northbound passengers
08/10/2005 • 002286
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